Select Your Manuscript Upgrade!
Your manuscript’s problems:
Your text feels baggy or repetitive.
Readers say it drags – they are bored.
Readers say it skips ahead – they feel confused.
You think it needs something additional to flesh it out, but what?
You have a jumble of ideas and no idea where to start.
My Service
A detailed memo explaining how to improve your manuscript on the chapter to chapter and paragraph to paragraph level. This includes advice on…
Reorganization to best express your ideas
How to streamline and enliven the text with cuts and focused rewriting
Proposals on topics that can be explained in more detail
“Perrin Lindelauf has been instrumental in improving my academic writing for the international market.”
The document doesn’t feel professional enough.
Your jokes are iffy and might not land with your audience.
Who is your audience anyway? Good question.
Readers say you always write the “same sort of sentence.”
My Service
Consultation on your target audience in order to refine your tone, from professional to plain and clear to cheeky, etc.
Line by line edits to fix repetitiveness and ensure variety to keep your readers engaged.
Edits and comments to adjust your tone to best suit the target audience.
“I am in awe of the careful, detailed copy-editing Perrin has done on the book. He has also helped me to adjust the tone and improve the clarity of the text itself in some critical places. Very professional work for which I am most grateful.
Grammar and spelling are your personal demons.
Is it “adverse” or “averse”? “Affect” or “effect”? Help!
Readers get the main ideas, but get lost in your sentence structure.
My Service
Word by word edits to fix grammar and spelling mistakes.
Edits and suggestions for better word choice.
Edits and queries to clarify your meaning where it is getting lost.
A careful check for typos.
“Action Is the Antidote to Despair.”
Your document is done, but you are worried that it has small but fatal errors in it.
Elements of your document design (fonts, headings, margins) don’t seem consistent.
Several people have given feedback on your document, creating a mess of edits to incorporate into the proofs.
You’ve looked at this document so long that you feel blind to any errors and need a fresh set of eyes to read it.
My Service
A character by character check for tiny typos and misspellings.
A careful review of the design and layout to ensure consistency.
A comparison reading, checking that the latest document has all of the edits from other collaborators inserted properly.
Alteratively, a “blind reading” where I proofread without consulting previous edits, in order to focus on new errors.